BCP: A response to the interview with the priest Kobylinski on “Can a homosexual be a priest?”

1 year ago

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Professor Kobylinski gave an interview entitled “Can a homosexual be a priest?” A Catholic asks an essential question: What did the priest Kobylinski mean to tell the Polish public? Did he mean to express a clear position based on Scripture and Tradition and on the whole doctrine of the Church? Or was it just a kind of mixture of raw information, where moral values were put on an equal footing with immoral perversions, and the truth was thus relativized? The real purpose of the interview was to change Catholic public opinion. Currently, a synodal process is underway aimed at pushing ecclesiastical legalization of sodomy into Poland as well.
What method was used in the interview? To gain the trust of the audience, they were first presented with an outright negative stance on homosexuality based on a church document dated 2005. The document states that men with homosexual tendencies cannot be ordained as priests. Moreover, an evasive comment on the recently published book by Francis Bergoglio deliberately gave the wrong impression that the pseudo Pope had already changed his attitude and stopped promoting sodomy. But the opposite is true. Through the so-called synodal journey, for example, he vehemently pursues ecclesiastical legalization of LGBTQ on all continents.
On 24 January this year, Bergoglio told the world’s media that homosexuality must not be criminalized. This means that he approves of it, and thus publicly approves of criminal paedophilia as well. Kobylinski admitted that 90% of paedophile abuse in the US was committed by homosexuals. Francis, in addition, called for a conversion of bishops to LGBTQ cheerleaders! In fact, he thus also approves of a whole range of immoral perversions in the Church. This is a shock to a Catholic!
A Polish Catholic gets the impression from the interview that today a different teaching – a different gospel – applies in the Church. Kobylinski is completely unconcerned about essential matters such as the salvation of the immortal soul. He says nothing about the condition of salvation, namely the path of repentance, where a sin is called a sin, a heresy a heresy, and homosexuality an abomination – Gr. atimia, as stated in Romans 1:26a. No one can be saved without repentance.
The synodal path is a path of anti-repentance. Proof of this is also the Continental Assembly in Prague, which was held on 5-12 February 2023 and was also attended by representatives of Poland, Archbishops Gądecki and Galbas. The Assembly warmly welcomed the German synodal path represented by its chairman, Bishop Bätzing. This is a clear sign that the German suicidal synodal journey and Bergoglio’s synodal journey pursue the same agenda, namely a forceful and deceitful promotion and legalization of sodomy in the Church on all continents.
Bätzing openly said at the Assembly that the faith based on Divine revelation was not his faith, Christ was not his image of Christ, and the Church was not his image of the Church anymore. This is a transition to a New Age anti-Church with a new doctrine of the Church – new ecclesiology. Cardinal Müller, the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, told the media afterwards: “This German ecclesiology is false and suicidal…” He referred to the German synodal path as a sect, saying: “The German synodal sect is diametrically opposed to Catholic faith.” On the whole he described the synodal path as “doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate as it is in apparent contradiction with the doctrine of the nature and universal mission of the Church of Christ”.
It follows from the words of Cardinal Müller that the doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate synodal path calls down God’s anathema, that is, a curse and expulsion from the Church of Christ, according to Gal 1:8-9.
Poland was represented in Prague by the president of the Polish bishops’ conference, Archbishop Gądecki, and Archbishop Galbas. The two of them embraced the suicidal agenda and suicidal spirit with a view to authoritatively embodying it in the whole bishops’ conference and through it imposing it on all Polish Catholics by virtue of obedience to the so-called Holy Father. This is a betrayal of Christ, the Church and the Polish nation. In fact, by their participation in the Prague sabbath they have brought down a curse. To save their souls and to remove the curse, they are now obligated to publicly renounce and condemn the suicidal synodal LGBTQ journey. Unless they do so, the other bishops of Poland are obliged before the Polish nation to declare them apostates expelled from the Church for receiving a different sodomitic pseudo gospel, which places a person under a curse according to God’s word in Gal 1:8-9.
If the latter step of repentance is not taken either, then at least three Polish bishops emeriti are obliged, by authority of the apostolic office, to renounce the curse and to make this renunciation public. Suppose not a single bishop should be found in Poland who would be faithful to Christ and His teachings, the full impact of God’s curse will then rest upon the entire Polish nation!
As for Kobylinski’s interview, it had a clear goal – to prepare the ground for the adoption of the synodal journey coupled with ecclesiastical legalization of LGBTQ. Therefore, at least one of the Polish bishops must publicly condemn Kobylinski’s insidious activity leading to the suicide of the Catholic faith in Poland.
What should the priests and the faithful do to avert the curse of the suicidal synodal journey? Let them unite, especially between 8 and 9pm, in praying the Rosary to save Poland from self-destruction brought about by the synodal LGBTQ journey. At the end, at 9pm, let the priests give a blessing to the four corners of the world from the place where they are each.
In addition, let the faithful intervene by writing letters to the Polish bishops, especially Archbishop Gądecki and Galbas who have brought an amoral spiritual infection and curse from Prague. The faithful must not be silent! Catholics must call on God and on the Mother of God to save the Church and Poland. This is a fight for eternal life! This is a fight for the salvation of immortal souls! There is no time for discussion; there is need for effective action now!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

11 March 2023

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is not a patriarchate in the official sense of the word. It is “the voice of one crying in the wilderness” and its purpose is to defend the truths of faith and morality at the present time.

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