Episode 393: Madison – The Original Anti-Christian Nationalist – Interview with Gordon Dakota Arnold

1 year ago

Read the full blog : https://bit.ly/3z4JWnK

Madison – The Original Anti-Christian Nationalist – Interview with Gordon Dakota Arnold

On this program, Madison – The Original Anti-Christian Nationalist, be ready to have your idealisms of Madison crushed. My interview with author, Phd candidate and Assistant Professor of Politics, Gordon Dakota (Koty) Arnold will bring to light facts about Madison that set me afire.
If you really are interested in why secular politics is as it is in our present, then you must examine Madison the same way that Koty does. Not only did I learn from the article that Koty wrote (see reference #1) about Madison being more dangerous to religious liberty than Jefferson but I researched his research on my own. Koty is absolutely correct in his conclusions that Madison -

‘James Madison did not envision that America was or ever could be in any sense a Christian nation, but he instead believed that it was a fundamentally secular republic. He saw the nation as a composite of individuals of distinct religious traditions, and he believed, as a devoted student of John Locke, that the aims of the state were concerned only with the preservation of property rights. “Government is instituted to protect property of every sort,” Madison avowed, “as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals… This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.”53 At best, Madison sees Christianity as a religion that perhaps provides a useful moral and ethical system for individuals to order their private lives around, but he does not believe that it provides any meaningful guidance about politics or society. If Madison is to be believed in his “Memorial” and his “Detached Memoranda,” God does not concern himself with the actions of political communities because, if He exists at all, He is only interested in the individual’s inner spiritual life…’

But before I continue down the path of Madison’s intent to destroy Christian involvement in all spheres of public life, let me share this from Madison’s professor at Princeton, Rev. John Witherspoon:
Read the rest @ : https://bit.ly/3z4JWnK

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