Competition For The Fish (Ep.15)

1 year ago

Hi I’m Ryan Wiersma And I’m building my dream house here in Montainta Ecuador. Every Saturday we have beers with the boys and have a competition for meat. But this week we’re not having a competition for meat we’re having a competition for the fish.

Hi create these competitions to bring up morale and have a lot of fun for the boys. Also one of the unforeseen benefits of this is when the boys come home they get to be the hero for their family. Because Ecuador is a Third World country and have a lot of money so you don’t buy a lot of meat buy a lot of rice and vegetables. So when the boys come home with a grand prize like meat or fish the whole family gets excited. And Sunday dinner is great.

This competition is spin around four times grab a spoon and an egg walk over build a tower and walk back fastest time wins and fastest time get a fucking fish. 

I wanna say thanks everyone first full building the house and thanks to everyone watching my films appreciate it and thank you.

 #ecuador #dreamhouse #housedesign #theboys #ecuadorlife #fyp #wiersmerica #ryanwiersma #Construction #building #montanita #competition #meat

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