The Most Important Question in Education, (2023)

1 year ago

Modern education has no answers to our many disturbing world problems. Learn about true education—the kind of education that produces real, practical solutions that actually work—the kind of education that will solve all our problems.


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God led the Prophet Samuel to establish three colleges in ancient Israel. These colleges produced a generation of leaders. The college founder, Samuel, anointed David as king. God’s system of true education transformed Israel. True education spiritually revitalized the nation.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The God Family Vision to discover the epic foundation of true education. This kind of education would solve all world problems today—if only people would listen. It is the most fundamental, basic, simple, understandable kind of education—but only if God opens your mind to it. Learn how true education starts in God’s Word and in the family, and soon will flow throughout God-fearing communities and nations all over the world. This truly is a vision of eternal hope and joy. It is the Family vision of God the Father!

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet How to Be an Overcomer. Whether we realize it or not, each of us is in a war against sin! Those who refuse to acknowledge or fight in this war are losing. How to Be an Overcomer is the spiritual soldier’s field manual for success in this war. Since true education flows from the Bible, you must valiantly fight the mighty spiritual forces trying to tear you away from studying and living by God’s truth.

You will also receive a free copy of our reprint article “The Most Important Question in Education.” Contrast the hopeless, materialistic education of this world with true education that gets results. True education is not just about spiritual subjects; it is the right foundation for acquiring physical knowledge too.

You may also request a free subscription to the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course, and a free transcript of this television program. Unlock treasure troves of the most important knowledge. Build your understanding of the Holy Bible—the one book that will solve all world problems.

We have a lot of literature to offer you today. As a reminder, all our literature is free of charge and will be sent to you without any follow-up or obligation.
Request The God Family Vision, How to Be an Overcomer, “The Most Important Question in Education,” a subscription to our Bible course, and a transcript of this program. Order now!

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