Xray Alpha - AR15 DryFire Rifle Reloads - Underarm Assault Mode

1 year ago

Dry firing reloads with your primary should be something you focus on to develop high levels of consistency with an equal focus on the performance.
With all gun handling I value consistency and efficiency. Pay attention to the cues that make the most sense to drive those points home and then introduce performance into your training.
Whether you reload in the shoulder or under arm assault the principles remain the same. I want the magazine well in a fixed stable position, rifle remains parallel to the ground, and reconnect to the rifle the same after the reload. Sequence these together and reloading the rifle in 1.5 seconds is a very realistic goal for all shooters. Extra movement and instability of the rifle just adds time.
This is just how I do it and it’s worked well for me over the years.

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