WTFR The Pushback 22-03-2023

1 year ago

The usual tinfoil hat terrorists are having their roundtable discussion around a sherry trifle... The sherry trifle used to be a rectangular table but it now identifies as a sherry trifle, & I'm so frightened of being jailed for 2 years for deadnaming the tab.... sorry sherry trifle that I dare not breathe another word about it.

Anyway, we struggled to find things to talk about legally all evening. Leo talked a bit about blood & gore, Emma brings this week's HORRORscope... My God (or is it G-d now?) have we got a stand-off on our hands! Solzhenitsyn will literally be turning in his grave! The world is run by villains, & villains "hire" politicians to do their bidding (on pain of death). The politicians (& their villain overlords) are lying to us. We know the politicians (& villains) are lying to us, THEY know that we know THEY are lying to us, & yet THEY refuse to accept that the game is up because God (or G-D/Allah PBUH) only knows how much dirty money has been invested in the future THEY HAVE DECIDED WE WILL HAVE - & to Hell with what any of us think!

Anyway, rant over, you can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
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