Cat funniest video 🥀🥺

2 years ago

Grumpy Cat - known for its permanently grumpy facial expression, Grumpy Cat became an internet sensation and even starred in a movie.

Maru - a Scottish Fold cat from Japan who became famous for his love of boxes and his playful antics.

Lil Bub - a cat with a unique appearance due to her genetic condition, Lil Bub captured hearts with her sweet demeanor and adorable tongue that always stuck out.

Keyboard Cat - a meme featuring a cat playing a keyboard, Keyboard Cat became a viral sensation and even appeared in commercials and TV shows.

Henri, le Chat Noir - a black and white cat who starred in a series of hilarious videos in which he philosophizes about life and art.

Simon's Cat - an animated series featuring a mischievous cat named Simon and his humorous escapades with his owner and other animals

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