322 Symbolism

2 years ago

Gematria of Georgia Guidestones 7/6 “bombing” ritual - George Bush’s 76 birthday, Skull & Bones 322 (the guidestones were competed on March 22nd), and much more (there’s a 3-hour version, too, but here’s a summary).

Skull and Bones => Order 322 => 322 => 03/22

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023.

03/22/2023 => MIRROR => 3/22 and 223

Supposedly, today NY DA was expected to indict Trump; surrender with Secret Service by next week.

Interesting timing.

322 & Clowns are Reptilian Demons...

Today is 3/22, the first day of the Pagan (the reptilian religion) year and the number of the Skull and Bones (a reptilian secret society at Yale from which many “presidents” have come).

Google’s search homepage today has an animation of a mime/clown. The clown is pretending he’s stuck in a box, representing the cube of Saturn — the last stage of the magic sequence of delta, omicron, Tau, cube, which I’ve covered.

Clowns are reptilian demons. They are associated with children because reptilians lure children to their death, like the Pied Piper who represented Pan. They are associated with milk because milk is the symbol for Adrenochrome. By showing you this page, they are flaunting reptilian control.

I am including some images that you will see in my upcoming video on this subject.

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