Duelist's Den Zoning Issue Update 23 March 2023

2 years ago

Here is an update on my Zoning Board issue at Dueliust’s Den.

As many of you already know, the Zoning Board of North Hopewell, PA has accused me of “Operating a shooting range” at My Duelist’s Den property.

The ordnance they are applying to me is clearly intended to regulate commercial shooting ranges, or large gun clubs. They do not seem to be intended for an individual land owner, shooting on his own property.

Ken Hill had graciously set up a Go Fund Me page to help with my legal bills. To date we have received about $60,000 in donations. So, we have stopped accepting donations.

Thank you all for your support. It has literally been unbelievable!

Our next Zoning Board hearing is 12 April 2023. It will probably be the end of April before I hear anything. I’ll keep you informed.

Thank you all for your support…both financial, and encouragement. I am truly humbled by how much you have helped me.

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