Jim Rohn - Speech Reversal - Part 3

1 year ago

Hi everyone!

This is part 3 of Jim Rohn's "How to Have Your Best Year Ever"

Leave a comment and let me know what you think about these reversals!

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.

Below are the reversals I have found in this video:

Go. Big muck. V5
R = 0:51:28 to 0:51:29

God, see your wants. V5
R = 0:51:40 to 0:51:41

I recall woe. V5
R = 0:52:28 to 0:52:29

Drops, they break. Get the the loss. Drop. Re-break it. V4
R = 0:56:59 to 0:57:02

How to get the winner. V4
R = 0:58:28 to 0:58:29

Ship surf with this. V4
R = 1:00:04 to 1:00:04

But you know I'm funny. V5
R = 1:00:20 to 1:00:20

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