#092 Why The Population Will Implode and Not Explode, and Why The Bible Had It Riight... FED

1 year ago

With the birth rate falling below 2.6 percent in America, 1.64 this last year, actually, we now are facing a bleak future in the world. First off, if you are childless or could not have as many children as you wanted, we’re not here to indict anyone. However, the culture has lost the value of early parenthood and parenthood altogether in some cases. Scientists and Futurists are not concerned with a population bomb, but rather a population implosion.

For centuries, we’ve navel gazed concerning the dangers of overpopulation. Some countries and people like Bill Gates and Karl Schwab have suggested or even implemented 1 child policies that have become disastrous. As the older generation ages, the lack of younger people to replace the older will create an untenable humanitarian crisis of elderly people without caregivers or taxpayers and a failing social safety net that will leave these elderly people without care or quality of life.

How did we get here? It all started, globally, in the 1970s. Was this because of the sexual revolution? The poll has allowed women in the west to live without consequence concerning their sexuality? This might be attributed to the sexual revolution, but what about Japan? They also saw the same decline in birth rate, but at an even more precipitous rate, without the promiscuity.

So what happened to Japan, the United States, and the rest of the world simultaneously? One factor that has been identified is the introduction of the career woman. Now, before you explode, let’s take a look at the statistics concerning what prevents couples from having children.

According to a study by Pew Research 56% of childless parents say that they just don’t want children while 43% give one of the following reasons:

19% cite Medical Reasons
17% cite Financial Reasons
15% cite No Suitable Partner
10% cite Age
9% cite The State of the World
5% cite Climate Change

Another statistic worth mentioning is that childless women who still want children are 30 years old are statistically 50% likely to have them. These women are even less likely at 40 to be able to conceive.

It is estimated that 80% of childless women are so by circumstance and not by choice. This is an incredible statistic and one that may seem to contradict the poll above. However, consider this: How many women, upon the realization that they cannot have children, will say that they never wanted children anyway. This has made the polling on the subject difficult at best.

How should we as Christians proceed with this knowledge? Should we attempt to cajole people into having children? Perish the thought! Instead, we should be a voice in the chaos of information letting families know that if they want children, sooner is better



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