Successful maiden launch of Relativity Space, Terran 1 rocket. (03/22/23)

1 year ago

Tonight, as we waited for the Terran 1 rocket to launch and not knowing exactly where SLC-16 was located since the launching pad is not visible from our viewing point, we expected the launching pad to be located farther south from where it actually was located in the field.
As the rocket was launched, it did not have the typical fiery golden glow. Instead, it looked just like a flood light that was turned on near sobre buildings in the distance, and after a few seconds, we all realized that that flood light was the rocket. It had a blueish white tint and did not have a large plume as we all expected it would have.
I was surprised by several things in tonight's launch.
The exact area was one of the factors that caused most of the rocket to be missing. Now that I know where SLC-16 is located in relation to our viewing area, next time, I will be ready.

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