Militarisation of the UK, US & beyond is *inevitable*.

1 year ago

This video was recorded on 25th June 2018, on the *first anniversary* of going to Berlin and warning the German Bundes Polizei & Irish Embassy on 25th June 2017.

In Berlin I warned of the inevitable #ToryAnalytica UK Government coup d’etat militarisation of Brexit Britain and the then Trump Presidency & now Biden Presidency.

It was to take place via ‘#OpFukuglaschu’ in July 2017 on a Royal Navy Trident nuclear submarine based at Faslane near Glasgow in Scotland in order to usher in a US/UK-led global fascism.

The original 2017 plan was to have blamed Iran via the ‘WannaCry’ cyberattack on UK, however the new designated ‘enemy’ is Russia, which is why the Biden administration, the UK Government, EU Governments and all their so-called political opponents, have been trying to get NATO into the Ukraine-Russia war, to escalate it back into the West via nuclear means.

‘Gaslighting Gilligan’ (©2017) is a paradigm shift in the meaning of domestic abuse and the Atlantic Bridge to ‘1984’.

‘#GaslightingGilligan’ (©2017) *free download* via
Twitter: @GasGilligan

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