Ghost Recon Breakpoint Operation Motherland PS5 Livestream 06

1 year ago

Welcome to Ghost Recon Breakpoint Operation Motherland PS5 content on this channel hope you enjoyed my content guys.

After so long, Ghost Recon Breakpoint finally got what could be considered a proper DLC.

Previous DLC missions were fairly limited in scope: smaller affairs that integrated with the world, but didn’t really change how you played too much.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint’s Motherland update is almost like a completely new game.

Travel becomes risky again, Erehwon disappears from the map, enemies are challenging and varied, and more.

Updated: Stealth itself is enhanced spectacularly with this update. The optical camo is balanced AND cool, and the fact that there are enemies that make use of it also encourage use of thermal vision more often. Plus, it’s upgrade mechanics is nice without being obnoxious. Unfortunately the upgrades for it don’t carry over to the main game, so it’s really only deeply useful in Conquest mode (which you can at least reset for a “New Games +” experience).

The new enemies themselves are challenging, with the aforementioned ones rocking optical camo, a new sniper class that also calls in reinforcements (often), and tanky foes that aren’t lumbering oxes like the heavies from Breakpoint classic.


PlayStation 5

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