Lesson 130: The Ten Commandments 042822

1 year ago

The Bible Show
Lesson 130: The Ten Commandments 042822
JD Hudson YouTube Channel
JD Hudson Rumble Channel: search jdh730

1 John 3:4
1 John 5:2-3

10 Commandments
01.) Deuteronomy 5:1-10 (The first and second commandments).
02.) 1 Kings 11:1-9 (Solomon goes after other gods).
03.) Deuteronomy 5:11 (The third commandment).
04.) Proverbs 30:7-9 (Stealing is taking the Lord's name in vain).
05.) Mark 7:5-9 (Worshipping the Lord in vain).
06.) Deueronomy 5:12-15 (The fourth commandment).
07.) Nehemiah 13:15-18 (Israelites profane the sabbath).
08.) Mark 1:21-24 (Jesus taught on the sabbath).
09.) Acts 13:13-15 (Apostles keep the sabbath).
10.) Isaiah 58:13-14 (Call he sabbath a delight).
11.) Deuteronomy 5:16 (The fifth commandment)
12.) Matthew 15:4-6 (Made commandment of God of none effect).
13.) Ephesians 6:1-3 (The first commandment with promise).
14.) Deuteronomy 5:17-18 (The sixth and seventh commandments).
15.) 2 Samuel 11:2-5, 14-17 (David commits adultery and murder).
16.) Deuteronomy 5:19 (The eighth commandment).
17.) Joshua 7:11-12, 18, 20-21, 24-25 (Achan steals and is stoned).
18.) Deuteronomy 5:20 (The ninth commandment).
19.) 1 Kings 21:1-3, 7-14, 17-19, 23 (Naboth refuses to sell his vineyard to Ahab); 2 Chronicles 18 - Ahab is killed; 2 Kings 9 - Jezebel is eaten by dogs.
20.) Deuteronomy 5:21 (The tenth commandment).
21.) Joshua 7:21 (Achan covets).
22.) Romans 7:7 (Lust is coveting).
23.) Deuteronomy 5:22 (The ten commandments on two tables of stone).

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