JUAN O SAVIN- The FIRST ARREST? CHAOS in Enemy Camp- AMP James Grundvig 3 21 2023

1 year ago

AmericanMediaPeriscope.com Full Program with the Great James Grundvig UNRESTRICTED TRUTHS who gives a great synopsis and worthy news before Juan comes on at the 16:00 timestamp. The end is also a short film by AMP creator John Michael Chambers "The Storm is Upon Us". The greatest story ever told and the Reason we are all here.. God woke you Up for a REASON.

Juan on the NUMBERS for this week. He does not LIVE by these numbers but they do

On the ‘numbers’ any day from today till march 29 ‘could’ work for the arrest, but tomorrow works best because it’s a palindrome number (they all are) with double meaning….3-21-23. 32123. Same forwards and backwards. These people are occultists and very concerned with ritualistic power. It’s Also within ‘24 ‘ hours of the spring equinox with occurs this afternoon (DC time at 17:24.....5:24 PM), or 'dark to light’.

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