NEW! GTA 5 Hogwarts Legacy/Harry Potter mod #gtamods #gta5mods #julioNIB #leprechaun

1 year ago

Mod inspired in the Hogwarts Legacy game and Harry Potter movies.

Was working in this one in latest weeks, I created big part of the animations from zero, very interesting result :)

Some features:

-Flying Broom
-Ancient Magic Throw spell (Lift near entity and throws against the target)
-Ancient Magic Lightning spell (Cast lightnings into target)
-Ancient Magic Smash spell (Lift the target and smash it against the ground)
-Avada Kedavra spell (Most powerful attack)
-Accio spell (Grab the victim and make it float near you)
-Basic spell
-Beastificus (turn target into animals)
-Confringo spell (Fireball)
-Diffindo spell (Slash target)
-Expelliarmus spell (Disarm target)
-Incendio spell (Fire attack)
-Lumos (Magic wand light)
-Petrificus Totalus spell ("Petrifies" the victim)
-Transformio spell (turn target into explosive)

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