Kerry Cassidy & Sean-David Morton - What is going on with the Financial Situation and Latest Intel

1 year ago

* * * This is a Good One * * *
Lots of predictions on what's to come.
SVB Bank was a front for Fentanyl and the government was buying it.
911 was triggered by the Vatican.
If Pope Francis resigns they are talking about a Black Pope from Africa.
More banks will fail.
This is the last good year for the USA. Nations last 200 yrs, 4 cycles of 50 yrs and there must be some jubilee or the 5th cycle will be 50 years of Discipline.
Janet Yellen is incompetent.
The Bush's put back doors in the financial system so they could steal - all the back to the 70's.
The Election system has not been fixed.
Ron DeSantis is being funded by George Soros and is a bad guy playing good as he wants to be Trumps VP so he can have 8 years after -- this is all according to Sean-David Morton.
Hillary was told to stand down and allow Obama to be president.
Prince William is the Antichrist -- Kerry says.
Some big Earth event is going to happen at the end of March beginning of April 2024.
DeSantos is a Knight of Malta and was the Queens puppet.

Astrology plays a HUGE part in how the elite plan decades in advance. Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 24, 2023 and will be there until June, then moves back into Capricorn again for a while and in September Sean-David Morton says could be disastrous -- this will bring about change, revolution. . In January 2024 moves back into Aquarius for 8 months. Then in December of 2025 moves back in Aquarius for good.

But some big astrological event will occur that will shift everything.

To make their NWO work, they have to get rid of the US Dollar.

Kerry says Xl and Putin is working with Trump.

5G will react with covid vaccine ingredients that damages the heart.

The Vatican is run by the Aliens according to Kerry.

The Vatican helped Biden cheat.

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