The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident - Steven Starr -

1 year ago

Steven Starr is a medical laboratory technician [MT ( ASCP) ] , scientific program director of the clinical laboratory at the University of Columbia, Missouri. He obtained his degree at the School of Health Professions in 1985 and has worked in many hospitals for 27 years.

Mr Starr is a member of Physicians for Social responsibility and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. His writings are published by several organizations, including the Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, and has worked with several foreign governments and the UN to the elimination of nuclear weapons. He is also an expert in the field of environmental consequences of war and nuclear weapons.

In this video he exposes us to the deleterious properties of the radioactive materials generated by nuclear accident , especially the infamous cesium 137, which has significantly contaminated Japan after the Fukushima catastrophe . This is one of the deadly poisons at the atomic or molecular level. Their activity is millions of times greater than that of naturally occurring isotopes in the environment such as potassium 40. As comparing a stick of dynamite to an atomic bomb !

The second point is radioactive contamination of Japan. It is between 10,000 to 20,000 square kilometers today that have a radioactivity greater than the maximum previously authorized 1 millisievert per year dose. We then discuss the dangers induced by multiplying by 20 the permitted level , and the controversial method used to calculate the biological effects of ionizing radiation , expressed in Sieverts .

Steven Starr then cites scientific research of Prof. Bandazhevsky , phenomena of bioaccumulation in ecosystems , increased fragility of children and especially girls to the effects of radioactivity, and overall poor health status of young people in our days in areas contaminated by the Chernobyl disaster.

Super duper thanks to;

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