The Last Prayer

2 years ago

I was 18 years old when I was murdered, in 1527, for being active against the King of Sweden.

I served as a Monk at the "Kastell Monastery" in the south of Norway close to the border to Sweden.

The King of Sweden, Gustav Vasa, led the revolt against The Union, wich I support him for doing. But the King should have subordinated his reign under the rule of law.

As a Norwegian Monk at the border to Sweden, and with a Norwegian King that was waiting for his own "Vasa-moment", I was expected to keep a low profile.

My mother was a Witch with powers that doesn't appear today. Seconds before i was murdered by my master I asked God to place a curse on my soul.

My mother died three years before me, from pnemonia. Her last wish was for me to be an eternal voice of truth. It can be heard at the time when the shadows from the night, spread out in the pockets of the surface of the earth, are recollected. And at the place where the pain of the empty soul cries out at the moon.

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