Are the COVID vaccines really effective against severe illness and deaths?

1 year ago

The medical narrative justifying the global vaccination campaign had changed dramatically during the COVID crisis. Suddenly, we were told that the vaccines are not effective anymore against infections, but also that we should keep taking the booster doses because the vaccines' efficacy against severe illness and deaths remained intact.

But is this really true? Does the scientific literature really support this modified narrative?
In this short video, I present astonishing findings from our recent article at the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons – an article in which Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz, Dr. Shay Zakov, Dr. Peter McCullough, and myself conducted a rigorous review of the clinical trials by Pfizer and Moderna, the contemporary studies on the second booster, and the popular dashboards of pandemic statistics.

As you can imagine, the efficacy devil hides in the little scientific details, so I urge you to read the entire article and judge the evidence for yourself ( However, this video will give you a powerful taste of what science really has to say about the efficacy of the vaccines.

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