Tactical Training for Civilians & Professionals - PS 5.0

1 year ago

⚜️ These are some beautiful and powerful moments from the Protector Symposium 5.0. Just showing you what the culture is like within the Protector Nation. This was one of the most amazing events we ever had.

Everyone was a big family of professional students coming together to get better at our craft. To become better protectors! We took this experience and transferred it online where you can download the Digital Replay of the entire event and capture the learning!!

Our amazing line-up of instructors follows and gives you a sense of the depth and breadth of the skills to be learned from this library of instructional videos.

⭕ Ed Calderon: Weapon-ology
Instructed how to make anything in your environment an effective weapon.

⭕Raul Martinez: Advanced Handgun Skills
Covered handgun deployment, retention, and recovery at contact distance: there’s more to carrying a handgun than just being able to shoot.

⭕Kawa Mawlayee: Lone Operator
Instructed how to move through a structure with a pistol in an effort to save human life.

⭕Instructor Zero: Close Combat Vehicle
Covered how to successfully win a gunfight from within and around vehicles.

⭕Craig "Sawman" Sawyer: Modern-Day Protector
Was our keynote speaker delivering a presentation on what it takes to be a modern-day protector and how that plays into one of the biggest threats in the world right now, human trafficking?

⭕Rick Sweeney
Taught protective driving tactics and how to protect passengers and other vehicles from the driver seat.

We are talking about all hands-on hard skills tactical training! Every instructor was involved in multiple modalities to bring all the skills together.

Once again if you missed the events you can still download the entire Protector Symposium Library 1.0 thru 5.0 and capture the learning at ⚡https://protectornation.com

Be peaceful but not harmless!

Protector by nature and by trade

🎥 Video editing by @art_production07

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