How To Eat To Lose Belly Fat (3 STAGES!)

1 year ago

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The initial stage of the belly fat diet plan aims to jumpstart the fat loss process and maintain it until you reach about 15% body fat. Hunger levels will be low, and the risk of muscle loss is minimal. The focus is on calories and protein. You need to create an energy deficit by consuming fewer calories than your body burns each day. The appropriate energy deficit for your body can be found by multiplying your body weight in pounds by anywhere from 11-13. You also need to consume high protein foods to ensure that weight loss comes from fat rather than muscle. The recommended protein intake for heavier males is to eat 1g/cm of their height. Stage 2 involves going from 15% down to 12% body fat by being more precise with your approach, tracking daily calorie intake, and reducing daily fat intake. Stage 3 is the most difficult stage and requires accurately tracking calories and eating high volume foods to stay full for fewer calories. Consider the sacrifices required to reach a lower body fat percentage and determine if they are worth it. Overall, the strategy for losing belly fat is simple, but the challenge is to stay consistent with it.

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