MASSIVE Admissions Cheating Scandal exposed!!!

6 years ago


Attorney Steve® Civil Litigation lawyer, explains the massive admission cheating scandal. Yes, you can share our legal videos on your website with attribution.

BREAKING LEGAL NEWS – Huge F.B.I. investigation results in allegations of college admission cheat scandal. Perhaps the largest in United States history. Employees of U.S.C. are fired. A Newport Beach company started as an education counseling company (“The Edge”) is accused of taking money to help parents get their kids into top-notch elite schools such as:

2. Stanford
3. Yale
4. Georgetown
5. University of Texas
6. Wake Forest

And others. This is a MASSIVE SCANDAL involving criminal allegations against 30 parents, 9 coaches, and 2 test administrators. Charges include racketeering, mail and wire fraud, and “honest services mail fraud.” I will leave that one to the criminal defense attorneys.

Hollywood stars, lawyers, and CEO’s are involved. Included in the case include Felicity Huffman, who posted a 250k signature bond, and Lori Loughlin (actress) and Mossimo Gianulli (fashion).

Allegations include “The Edge” setting up two testing centers to administer SAT and ACT testing. The test takers (students) would first be encouraged to claim they have a learning disability (through a psychologist) and then seek extra time for their exams (100% extra time), as it was called, and to turn their test into a two-day test, and to seek to be able to take the test individually (while all other students have to take their test with their peers).

NOTE: This is a common scenario nowadays where wealthy families have their kids tested for “A.D.D.” (attention deficit disorder) and seek extra time for their exams, claiming they have difficulty concentrating. Schools have recognized this as a valid ground, allowing the student extra time the Non-A.D.D. student does not get.

This case involves the firing of U.S.C. employees and others. Schools have not been named specifically but are reported to be undergoing their investigations in many cases.

We will wait to see how this turns out. All persons are innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law.

Some of the most amazing allegations relate to faking athletic prowess (ex. claiming a student was a field goal kicker, rower, track and field star and captain of their teams) when this was not true. Fake pictures were photo-shopped and submitted to admissions offices seeking to gain admission to their prestigious universities at all costs and lying about their academic achievements and faking athletic achievements.

This is a huge legal news story similar to that of Penn State and the Sandusky scandal.

If you feel you may have a case of being wrongfully excluded from being admitted to one of these colleges, call us for a free consultation. These cases will likely be very difficult to prove but may be possible depending upon the facts of the case.

We can be reached at the link above or at (877) 276-5084.

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