His Word, His Will, His Ways, His Works | Ep. 97 soundbite #shorts

1 year ago

"The Israelites had a purpose that was not fulfilled because of their unbelief... but somehow along the way that straight path became crooked... they lost their way. But the people of God today are supposed to be that in the earth again. They are supposed to be a sign and testimony in the earth."

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His Word, His Will, His Ways, His Works | Ep. 97 (direct link 1) - https://www.ourfathersheart.org/podcast/episode/7b69613f/his-word-his-will-his-ways-and-his-works-or-ep-97
His Word, His Will, His Ways, His Works | Ep. 97 (direct link 2) - https://ourfathersheart.buzzsprout.com/1585741/12467263-his-word-his-will-his-ways-his-works-ep-97


#shorts #sign #testimony #israelites

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