Stop Suffering in Codependency & Narcissism: Regain Your Power!

1 year ago

Are you struggling with codependency and narcissism? Do you feel like you're powerless to change your situation? If so, this video is for you!

In this video, Author and Coach, Susan Gold shares her story of how she divorced and broke free from codependency and narcissism. Susan discovered how to regain her power and break free from her abusive marriage with a Narcissist. If you're finding it hard to overcome codependency and narcissism, this video is for you!

About Susan Gold:
Susan Gold was raised in a challenging and chaotic family system, the middle child of five. To fully thrive, she bravely chose to meet the demons of her upbringing that were continuing to repeat. Her book, "Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom" is about that journey. Susan now leads retreats, webinars, workshops and private sessions to help others drop outdated storylines and programming in exchange for living from the heart in authentic freedom as adults.
Susan Gold is a catalyst for an awakening to an extraordinary discovery of Self.

Through her book, Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom, Susan turns the standard paradigm on its head courageously leading others through her own journey of abuse, addiction, and surviving narcissism all while creating a distinctly empowering personal and professional life.

"Living the path of truth and authenticity is not for the weak-hearted. It is one of ultimate freedom."
Susan Gold

More about the host, Barbara La Pointe:
Barbara is a Professional Divorce Coach that specializes in high-conflict relationships, Narcissistic Personalities and Inherited Family Trauma. Her coaching approach is to de-escalate the negative energy and emotional damage with a variety of positive, empowering and healing modalities. To connect with Barbara for a complimentary discovery call, visit www. today!

Don't forget to download Barbara's free book "Erased By A Narcissist" below now:

We invite you to join Barbara's private Facebook Group for women called:

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