🩺💥 HORRIFIC: They Paid Drs, Nurses and Hospitals to Murder Innocent Patients. Covid and Case Numbers Were Faked to Instill Fear in the Population

1 year ago

They also denied safe early treatments murdering millions of innocent people. They forced ineffective toxic Covid vaccines on the world. They Censored anyone sharing life saving early treatment information and anyone who warned about the dangers of the Covd vaccines. The Governments willfully committed crimes against humanity.
Here's info on Fauci's murderous Covid hospital protocols: https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2022/02/04/are-hospital-covid-protocols-killing-people/
Grace Schara, a beautiful 19 year old young girl with Down Syndrome, died on October 13 at a COVID hospital – a hospital following the government treatment protocols that continue to fail at preventing COVID deaths: https://ouramazinggrace.net/Tragedy-hospital
KILLER NURSES: We Stayed For THE Paycheck And We Know That The Hoax Covid Hospital Protocols ARE Killing Patents!! – Dr Jane Ruby
Support Network For Those Who Have Been Killed by Hospital Protocols: https://www.protocolkills.com/
Hospital Hostage Help Hotline: 888-219-3637
🛑 EDTA Detoxifies Covid Vaccine Heavy Metals, Graphene Oxide, Hydrogels, Parasites, Nano Particles and Does MUCH More! Info Including an Important Video and Where to Purchase EDTA at this link: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/03/24/edta-detoxification-for-metals-graphene-hydrogels-mercury-and-more/
🛑 Covid Vaccine and Graphene Oxide Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com
🛑 Spike Protein Detox: https://www.twc.health/?ref=Diamondz
To Get 10% Off, Use This Code at Checkout: GAILHENDRICKS
🛑 Heavy Metals Detox: https://tinyurl.com/r8fwe4s9
🛑 Parasite and Full Body Body Detox: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/high-quality-full-body-detox-and-cleansing-products/
🛑 NON-Covid Vaccine Detox:
🛑 Order Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com
🛑 "The Cancer/Parasite Connection" With Cures https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/01/27/the-cancer-parasite-connection-and-treatments-including-detox/
🛑 Miracle Minteral Solution (MMS): Article with Purchase Links: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2022/06/10/miracle-mineral-solution-mms-for-detox-and-other-amazing-health-benefits/
🛑 Dr. Zev Zelenko's Awesome Products Include "Z-Detox" For Covid Vaccine Protection - "Z-Flu" Protection Against Colds and Flu and "Z-Sheild" which helps defend against dormant viruses. All Products Can Be Found Here:
🛑 Organic CBD Oils For Humans AND Pets/Detox Products/Zeolite:
🛑 Pet Detox and Gut Health: https://tinyurl.com/d8774jtt
♥️ Great Article on Dog Gut Health: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/03/08/probiotics-for-happy-and-healthy-dogs/
🛑 My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/fgMp4RX9ZrplYzhh
😎 All Donations to Help Support My Channel Are VERY Much Appreciated! Thank You So Much! https://tinyurl.com/349t4rx5

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