Live Edge Waterfall Cherry Monitor Stand

8 years ago

How to make a wooden waterfall grain monitor stand with live epoxied edge and dovetail splines. This will allow you to improve your posture at your computer and reduce neck aches and fatigue.


Special thanks to Rockler woodworking and Hardware. Part numbers for some if the items I used below.
Tablesaw Crosscut Sled: 33113
Router Table Spline Jig: 59288
West Systems Epoxy Resin: 37095 (need hardener too)
General Finishes Arm R Seal: 20682
Surefoot aluminum bar clamps: 41815
Router Table: 57301
T-Track Table: 46654

In this video I go through the steps to build a wood monitor stand out of cherry and padauk. The live edge and continuous waterfall grain are special features that remind me of my hobby while at my day job. I understand that this is not an ikea stand and takes a little more time to build but don't let that prevent you from making one of your own with a few pieces of wood and some pocket holes. The end goal is better posture while working at the computer, reducing fatigue and aching.

Some Tools I used:
FastCap 16oz Glue Bot:
FastCap Tape Measure:
EDC Belt Carry:
RIDGID Cordless Random Orbit Sander:

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