Trick shot plus AWB thoughts

12 years ago

This video contains my opinions on the pending Assault Weapons Ban and the high capacity magazine issue. This is only a very shortened version of what I think about it, I am not a good speaker so I just kept it as short as I could. We are having an effect on our congressmen and women by emboldening them to stand up against this legislation. That does not mean we can stop and rest. It means we are in a battle. Please continue to contact your representatives weekly at We need to stay in their ear as a constant reminder to them that if they pass any sort of gun or magazine ban they will lose their job. Enough is enough. If we allow them to continue to chip away at the 2nd ammendment they will take it all. We have already compromised enough. It is nearly impossible for a middle class working man to own an automatic rifle. Now they want to put semi autos in the same class. I do not think that will make it through congress if we keep pressure on them but I am very concerned that they will be able to get a magazine ban through. Please feel free to leave your thoughts below, all opinions are welcome as long as the language is clean. Please feel free to chime in on our facebook page as well.
Disclaimer: My videos are for entertainment purposes only, imitation or the use of any instruction shown in the videos is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. Buffalo/BMCTrip or any other party involved in the making of this video will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I am now accepting friend requests on my personal FB page as well-

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