China’s New H-20 Stealth Bomber is Worse Than You Think

2 years ago

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This new aircraft could change the balance of power in the world. Currently the United States is the only nation to operate a strategic stealth bomber fleet like the B-2. This new Chinese stealth bomber is the type of aircraft that is sent to destroy an entire enemy airfield or soften up defenses for an invasion. The H-20 would have major ramifications for a possible invasion of Taiwan if it is able to evade their air defense systems.

Written by: Chris Cappy & Justin Taylor
Video Edited by: Maksym Dimarov

But what kind of weapons and munitions would this stealth bomber drop if its stealthiness is truly able to match the American aircraft? It would drop a copy of the same bomb that the American stealth bombers use of course a JDAM copycat. China created the FT PGB in 2006 which is a family of chinese built precision guided munitions created at the China Academy of Launch Vehicle technology. They range from 100kg to 500 kg or 1,000 pounds. The F-12 variant has a rocket booster that can be attached to extend its range to 150 km, providing a release velocity of 600–1000 km/h.

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