The Future Infantryman is Better Than You Think

1 year ago

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America’s Infantry modernization program is out of control and I love it! Last month the US Army released footage from Project Convergence, a massive training exercise where they showcased how the next generation digitized grunt will fight. Troops utilized the IVAS helmet mounted heads up display goggles that shows the operator an augmented reality view of GPS maps. It’s wirelessly connected to your weapon so it displays reticle targeting information from your gun straight to your face. Soldiers now deploy with the Android Tactical Assault Kit it’s a smart phone-like device attached to your chest rig. The system lets you control a network of unmanned aerial drones and gives an instant view of enemy location at a glance of your map. And finally gives you the ability to send that perfect giphy to your squad leader.

“Land Warrior” fit perfectly into major changes happening at the top levels of the army. In 1991 the Army Science Board conducted a study that concluded that equipping the soldier for combat is as complex as other programs like the Abrams tank, Bradley Fighting Vehicle, Patriot Missile System. In 1996 the concept of Network Centric Warfare was introduced by Admiral William Owens winning over top army planners that GPS connected units was the future. That same year the Joint Chiefs of Staff released their Joint Vision which said high tech information superiority would be the main factor for winning wars. Then Army chief of staff Eric Shinseki built his entire legacy around his 32 billion dollar Future Combat Systems of systems philosophy. The Army Chief of Staff doesn’t control any actual units but he’s the highest ranking officer and his advice is the most influential when it comes to procurement in the entire military. So, Land Warrior happened to fit perfectly into this new vision the army had for a force half the size but twice as well equipped.

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