Guerrilla Tactics: Cache's and Speedballs

2 years ago

Caches and Speedballs are simple. The cache will be located where the unit in need of resupply can access it without being compromised. The Speedball is a technique of delivering supplies rapidly to the unit. Typically the Speedballs are made before the mission begins and are already allocated to that unit they are for. So when the unit calls for a resupply, there is no need to go through the process of requesting and gathering the items because they are already packed and ready to go. The resupply team just grabs the Speedball and takes it to the cache. Depending where the unit in need of resupply is and the enemy situation, the cache site will be determined as resupply requests are made. Once the resupply unit reaches the cache and retrieves the Speedball, they move away from the cache site and to a location that conceals them while they distribute the items to each member of the team. Depending on what is used for the Speedball, the Speedball may be stowed away in members ruck or dropped off at a new cache location for pickup to be reused.

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