Debunking Big Pharma Myths | DTH Podcast

1 year ago

Today we have a 1-in-3 chance of contracting cancer compared to with a 1 in 10 chance back in the 1970s.

Here in the US we have spent at least $500 billion dollars on researching cancer..the current 2nd leading cause of death in the us.. yet cancer rates are higher than ever.

With our advancements in science and technology , pharmaceuticals, and healthcare shouldn’t these numbers would be drastically decreasing not increasing.

Today on DTH we are going to be debunking some of the myths around big pharma, talking about solutions…what a better heath care paradigm would look like AND how we can all take control over our own health and wellness.

My guest joining me today is Antony Sammeroff, a psychotherapist and economics journalist.

He is also author of an extremely comprehensive ebook called “7 Big Pharma Myths Debunked”, Antony is currently writing his new book called “Big Pharma – None Dare Call it Quackery”.

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