Sam Seder vs. sound logic (Sam Seder is 'divorced' from reality)

1 year ago

So, the divorcee Sam Seder was using one of his patented arguments to “prove” his opponents are really bad people & if he proves that, he wins…. Something.

The divorcee was having a hissy fit that biological males aren’t going to be able to hang out with little girls in the women’s restroom & mentioned that a bill in TN banning biological males from hanging out w/ minor females is getting the support of literal Nazis, like real Nazis & stuff.

Bad logic Stan Seder, bad logic old man. I could state that young black men tend to murder young black men at a rate much higher than any other demographic & they tend to drop out of school much more often than whites. All that is true & the KKK or any organization that you want to use to buttress your argument could concur w/ me, it doesn't mean much.

I could say 2+2 = 4 & every "hate org" in the universe would probably agree, doesn't mean those who believe 2+2 = 4 are Nazi's or anything else. The divorcee might say 2+2 equaling 4 is universally accepted & not a good example. I'm sure some Islamic extremists would concur w/ Karl Marx's incendiary comments about Jews, it doesn't make him (or you) an ally to Islam. You need to read some material from Douglas N. Walton.

Ted Kennedy opposed tax cuts “for the rich” & committed negligent manslaughter, Ted Kennedy also cheated on his wife. Stan Seder opposes tax cuts for people who make lots of money & have nuclear families, does that make Stan Seder a slimy fat kook like Ted Kennedy.

Bill Clinton has his share of issues, oddly divorce is not one of them – but it is for you, right Stan? Bill Clinton has issues & wants taxes raised on folks like my boss, who are millionaires. Stan Seder also supports that, uh-oh.

If Ron Paul & Bernie Sanders agree on a lot of foreign policy, that doesn't mean much because outside of that they have little in common. Even you're not dumb enough to make that leap old man.

If I visit a prison & interview a child molester who thinks those U.S. involvement in the war in the Ukraine is a great idea, does that mean those who support U.S. involvement in Ukraine are literal child molesters or just child molesters by proxy?

Another argument that Stan Seder likes to beat to death is the hypocrite argument. For example, he was flapping his jowls over Kim Davis, who has been divorced like Sam Seder has – he was whining about Kim Davis being against homosexual marriage, yet she has been divorced. “Hypocrite”, he autistically-repeated, while frothing at the mouth.

Are people not allowed to change their mind?

John Newton was knee-deep in the slave trade, but wrote the song Amazing Grace. So, can I repeat “hypocrite” over & over as my entire argument or would John Newton say if he were alive today, “Take your Risperdal & listen up. I changed my views, I realize slavery was evil & is evil, which is precisely why I turned away from it.”

HYPOCRITE! “You’re a hypocrite who opposes slavery, yet owned slaves, HYPOCRITE!!!” Only mentally-ill lunatics use such arguments.

What if I run into a guy who works for an organization that opposes drug abuse & wants to prohibit people from using & abusing fentanyl – and that guy turns out to be a drug addict himself. Can I just shout “HYPOCRITE” & win the argument or can I say, “Despite the fact that you are a drug-addled person, I can concur that drug abuse is a bad thing & nobody should do it.”

Here is another example: Let’s say we have a person who is divorced, has had sex outside of marriage numerous times & was never able to finish school in California. Let’ say this person has a few kids & one of them say they intend to have sex as a minor w/ numerous people at parties because they can get away w/ it.

Let’s say this person who is divorced & has had sex outside of marriage numerous times, never having had a successful relationship w/ the opposite gender of their species – let us say this person tells their kid, “You should not do that, you’re too immature to handle that.”

If the kid just shrieked, “HYPOCRITE!!!” like a raging lunatic, would that answer the argument or is there more to it than that? Even Stan Seder is starting to realize how dumb he sounds when he makes these arguments.

I could mention a majority of House Democrats voted for two rounds of Ronald Reagan’s personal income tax cuts, whenever Sam Seder whines about people who make more money than he does & folks who have actual property – if Sam Seder whines about those people getting tax cuts, I can mention those House Democrats under Reagan & autistically-repeat, “HYPOCRITE.”

If Bill Clinton was found out to be a predator, wait, never mind. Let’s say Bill Clinton was found to have used the “N” word in an unreleased speech & he used it many times. Let’s say Bill Clinton is a flaming racist, just work w/ me folks.

Would that negate the fact that he was a decent President, who worked w/ a GOP Congress better than George W. Bush did at controlling runaway spending? Would it negate the fact that Bill Clinton had a great economy during his presidency, or can I just shout “predator, cheated on his wife” or in my hypothetical, can I just shout “racist” instead of arguing?

If a former alcoholic father tells his currently alcoholic son, “You need to quit drinking, it is going to cause you major health issues down the line “ & the son screeches, “HYPOCRITE” like a moron, does that answer the argument or is it still true that drinking 14 cans of beer every night a bad health decision.

The father could currently be an alcoholic & that would still be sound advice, even if it is coming from a alcoholic.

I do have one more example: I remember in one of Stan Seder’s videos he was grinding his teeth over abortion & said about those having kids that were conceived because of rape: “If you want to have a rape baby, have a rape baby. If you do not want a rape baby, do not have it.”

Some of us turn 30 & drop these bad arguments, some of us are elderly, still using these bad arguments.

Let me try my version, we’ve all used this or saw this at one time or another: “If you don’t like a homosexual marriage, don’t have a homosexual marriage. If you don’t like cocaine, don’t use cocaine. If you don’t like abortion, don’t have an abortion. If you don’t like gas-guzzling SUVs, don’t own gas-guzzling SUVs.”

Or this one is really good, “if you don’t like slaves, don’t own slaves.” Oh wait, I guess there is a bit more to it than that. It’s not so simple a 3rd grader could understand it, why then does Stan Seder think he has it all figured out.

Sam Seder’s “reasoning” – and I am being generous calling it “reasoning” – his reasoning is oddly adolescent. Thanks for listening, Sam Seder uses some really dumb arguments & I am not sure how much of it is because he’s just a big, dumb goof who does not know any better & how much of it is catering to his “IQ of a vegetable” audience.

PS Sam Seder has already conceded to me on the fact that the most violent cities in America have lots of black on black homicide & they usually vote Democrat. I challenged him to a debate on this & he ran away, he’s scared to use his “internet show” to respond to me & I accept the old man’s concession.

PPS Stan Seder#sdamseder #majorityreport is afraid to debate James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith. Methinks Stan has no confidence in that religion degree from a diploma mill.

PPPS Hillary Clinton opposed homosexual marriage for most of her career, yet the divorcee Sam Seder voted for her. Sam Seder is an advocate (just ask him!) for homosexuals. Can I just say, “Sam Seder voted for a hypocrite” & that settles it?

Sam Seder might ask me, “Did you not just say people can change their mind’? I would respond, “So, you must be negating a lot of the ‘logic’ you use when you employ the hypocrite argument, right Sam Seder?” [Sam nods his head in approval & then drops it in shame]

I would argue that John Newton changed his mind not to win an election, not to curry favor w/ Democrat voters, but because he was convicted of his sin & repented. Hillary Clinton only came out in favor of homosexual marriage AFTER she figured the majority of the public was in favor of it.

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