America Is ‘The Least Racist White-Majority Society in the World’ | The Larry Elder Show

1 year ago

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Even Bernie Sanders has acknowledged that equality is about equal opportunity and differs from equity, which is about equal outcomes. He has stated that he is in favor of equality.

However, what today’s social justice warriors complain about has little to do with “equal rights” and more to do with unequal results. In 1991, Orlando Patterson, a black Harvard sociology professor, wrote: “The sociological truths are that America, while still flawed in its race relations … is now the least racist white-majority society in the world.”

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A Project Veritas tape reveals the Albany, New York, school district’s secret transgender agenda in middle school.

Mario Balaban, Media Relations Manager for Project Veritas, joins Larry Elder to share the behind-the-scenes stories about the tape.
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