WEF Insider Admits Trump Arrest First Step in Depopulating White America

1 year ago

An evil World Economic Forum insider has admitted that the globalist elite pulled the trigger on the Trump arrest when he vowed last week to dismantle the elite pedophile power structure that has captured governments across the world and goes all the way to the top, the WEF, and even higher.

According to the WEF, Trump’s upcoming arrest this week will act as a major step towards “colonizing the United States”, designating conservatives and Christians as domestic terrorists, creating 15 minute cities also known as “open air prisons”, legalizing pedophilia, and introducing a “one child policy” for white families as a means of depopulating white America and creating a more “equitable” society.

Trump’s arrest, which the man himself announced on his Truth Social platform, will also accelerate societal breakdown in the US, which is exactly what the Davos elites have been working on for decades.

Source: The People's Voice

Libertarian99: The WEF PARASITES are desperate and need the people to get ANGRY & MAD so we get VIOLENT and start a civil war so they can CRACK DOWN on MAGA conservatives etc.... People have to remain nonviolent as that is what these PARASITE CLASS wants/needs to justify their crackdown.

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