Ascension Light Disclosure # 6

2 years ago

Ascension Light
Disclosure #6
Jason Shirka
March 20,2023
Transcript in show notes

The Counsel On The Chicken Coop Coup
An Allegory
Growing up, smack dab in the middle of Kansas, in what may be termed a gentleman’s farm of 15 acres, also in the middle of the Bible Belt. We raised chickens for the eggs and for food. And of course, my younger brother and I had 4H projects too.

Inevitably, every year one chicken decided she would be on the bottom of the pecking order, for everyone in her chicken coop.

So the other birds would peck on her because that one bird fell prey to the thinking of herself-as-less-than.

Being on the bottom of the pecking order meant that herself-as-less-than, was bloodied without even one pin quill was growing. It was an ugly mess of scabs and fresh blood flowing.

So the farmer came in one morning to see; how herself-as-less-than, was doing?

Well that farmer, he is a Wise Old Bird.

He knew just what to do, for them picky-un birds, and for especially herself-as-less-than.

The Wise Old Bird was gone for awhile, 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 200 years, 2000 years, chickens don’t do so well with time.

Well except, for biological reasons, every morning, lay another egg.
Time does repeat itself or is that history repeats itself?

So here comes Wise Old Bird and he’s changing all the lightbulbs from a GE Soft White, to a red colored light. The light put a soft red hue on everyone and every thing.

We all breathed in a sharp breath, and then a sigh of relief when Wise Old Bird finally got off the ladder. We had never seen WOB fly so high off the ground before.

Then all of a sudden the entire chicken coop and everyone in it breathed a breath of relief again.

All of a sudden we all looked up at the same red light.

The red light was transformational.

We all looked at it, at the same.
[No I’m not having a Kamala moment.]

It was especially transformative for herself-as-less-than.

Then herself-as-less-than, saw herself-as-equal.

For all the picky-un-birds, they too saw herself-as-equal.

Herself-as-less-than, thought about her circumstances, and about the possibility, the probabilities and the possibilities of that select set of probabilities.

“Maybe the answer is in my name.” Herself-as-less-than said.

Here’s how it came to pass; herself-as-less-than, rearranged the letters of her name with the help of an anagram.

Then she came to herself-as-less-than as the transformed into new chicken.
Her real name is Fear-less-ness.

Could it be this simple, her new moniker is, has always been and always will be; Fear-less-ness

Less for short.

In fact the entire coop had a coup, by becoming a corps of enlightened Hens and Doodles, a true core awakening.

The entire coop of enlightened chickens printed a banner. Then they hung the banner above the coop door “Fear-Less-Ness.”

They were really a corps of coop of c
of co. His voice trailed off. He had had an epiphany.

“In honor of Fear Less Ness I proclaim this day as FEAR LESS NESS HOLIDAY.
In this allegory, this is the day when all the chickens all moved to a different dimension of existence.

Revelation 21:22-27
The Light of the Lamb of God

All the light comes from God and his Lamb, there is no sun. Even the most common of items have a golden glow, as in the streets of Gold.

I Corinthians 15:22
In the twinkling of an eye …

Just as in the tale about the chickens, everyone saw every other being as an equal. Your neighbor appears as having a golden hue and so do you.

Henceforth this is the Golden Age. Everything has a golden hue to it.

These are they, who have gone through the purifying fires of God’s Love. Some more some less but all radiating a golden crown.

Psalm 51:7-12

In the old church, it is said, this meant the salvation of God. And yes this is true but different.

We all have a measure of Rh- negative Reptilian DNA in our blood, because of intermingling of the hueman species.

There is reason to believe, this is the cleansing of the spirit AND cleansing of your DNA.
God’s signature is your repaired DNA, you no longer have the Serpent DNA signature flowing through your veins.

For instance, my father had AB – negative, which is connected to the Serpent DNA, but I have O + positive so we all have a mixture of dragon/reptile blood.

Furthermore the Elites have been careful to keep their Canaanite blood line pure. If you ask an Elite pure blood who they are related too? They will tell you they are directly related to Cain, who murdered his half brother Able.

Salvation means the cleansing of your corrupted DNA. The cleansing of your DNA occurs immediately, the cleansing of your spirit and attitude is changed over time. Your spirit is changed over time in relation to how much Reptile DNA you had.

Activate Christ-Like Vision

We, as the Hueman Race, will be united in ways heretofore unheard of in modern times outside of the Garden. All because of the Golden hue of God’s and the Lamb’s LIGHT has risen in your heart.
I Will Follow You
THE EVENT: Solar Flare

What is the Event, soon to unfold.

It’s beginning to sound like; it is beginning to look like two simultaneous occurrences to create one Event.

One imparting light and the second producing sound both entwined on a Caduceus for the healing of Huemanity.

As any student of psychedelics will tell you; there are patterns in light that help you see the Light in non-sequential order.

Then there is low rumble of the earth, gives rise to the inward sound of Gaia consciousness.

Gaia will awaken your Heart Chakra; Sol with break through to awaken your Pineal Gland.

Gaia has a crystalline center, and in working together with Sol with a Flash of Light to awaken you to be able SEE and HEAR to raise your consciousness.

Gaia remembers every life, she keeps in her the memory of every one of them alive within her.

Sol has watched every life and nourished them with rays of his Being.

In the Event there will be a Flash of Light on all of huemanity.

Why? To heal your DNA.
Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’
Luke 10:9

As with the first Advent of Christ. He went into the bowls of the Earth to set at liberty the souls of the patriarchs who had not perfectly kept the Law.
Ephesians 4:7-8

So too, in this Advent, he will go into the bowls of the Earth to rescue the saints who had not perfectly kept the Law of Faith.

Where will you be when the Last Trump of Gaia sounds?

Where will you be when you are transported by the Light?

Right where you need to be, to be transported to a New Heaven and a New Earth.
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Is My-Desire
Little Peggy March
I Will Follow Him
Be Thankful
Be Bright
Be Well

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