March 20, 2023 ❤️ Aliens, Clones, Planet X, Tribulation and how to stay under God's Protection

1 year ago

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Jesus speaks about Aliens, Clones, Planet X, Tribulation & How to stay under the Protection of God

March 5, 2015 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began… “I have been listening to your heart and you are dealing with many forms of demons posing as ET’s. And Clare, I must tell you to stand convinced, not one of them is good. They are all fallen angels working against Me and humanity. Some put up the facade of being good, but don’t be fooled – their agendas are just as wicked. They just manage to get more deeply entrenched because they are disarming. They are far more dangerous than the grays.”

“Oh, how I hate this subject. None-the-less, I do not want you to remain ignorant. Every single one of them are extremely evil. There is not one good thing about them except that I can use them to make My people more holy and stronger. They actually are My vassals. Thinking they are doing things independently, they are carrying out what has been planned from the beginning of time.”

“They come in different shapes and sizes as well as ships that are different from one another. You were thinking the ship that was sighted over Phoenix and Arizona came from Nibiru to look around on Earth. That’s not so. That was a government exercise, that’s why the military didn’t get involved even though there was so much time for them to act.”

“The people are still misinformed about what they are dealing with. They (the demons disguised as ET’s) are very crafty and able to take advantage of people’s weaknesses. They blithely invite them in not realizing that they are a force to be reckoned with. And putting a few ‘grays’ down to impress them is nothing, except the opportunity to pull the wool over their eyes and convince them that they are benign.”

“Much of the mass confusion that is going to fall on the Earth will be the newness of all these different breeds of clones.”

“The confusion they sow, by being many and varied, they will take advantage of. And yes, they do have the capability of destroying planet Earth. But remember, they are dogs on a chain and permission will not be granted. Clare, I love the Earth, she is beautiful, a masterpiece – and I will not allow her to be destroyed.”

(Clare) But what about a new Heaven and a new Earth?

(Jesus) “I will make them new and what once was, will no longer exist or be remembered.”

“It will change instantaneously according to the vision in My Heart. And all men shall see the Glory of the Lord. What was will be no more, all things will be made new.”

(Clare) What about all the sea creatures?

(Jesus) “There will be lakes, everywhere. No more need for violence, no more violence in the atmosphere, because there is no more rebellion of man. Everything will be a pristine Garden of Eden.“

“Men will mine the Earth, but not in a destructive way. On the Earth every metal and substance necessary will be available to man. All hearts and all projects will be directed to glorifying God.”

"You are going to come to believe Me more and more as these months go by. You will be shocked by how clearly you have been hearing Me but didn't recognize it. A little more repentance goes a long way, but mostly MY Love, more confidence in Me."

(Clare) Thank You, Lord.


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