7 Key Secrets To Consider BEFORE Writing Content

1 year ago

#writing #contentcreation #contentstrategytips #contentmarketing #contentcreator

Before you wonder “how to start content writing”, the first question you should ask yourself is
“What kind of content am willing to write about day in, day out for days on end?”
Because if you are not passionate about your topic, the whole experience will be purgatory.

1. Passion
What won't people do because of passion?
Traveling thousands of miles to meet their lover.
Forget to eat and sleep for their passion
Byte their nails, cry, scream, and deflate (show football pics)
Work the extra mile just for the fun of it (low voice)
Therefore, the first point in writing content is finding your strong area of interest. This is particularly important as you can display your authenticity. And people strongly connect with authentic individuals. And don't think for a second that because they don't see you, they can’t feel your passion or its lack thereof.

2. Audience
But passion only for passion can lead to the digital cross (show Jesus crucified) in the form of burn-out. So to avoid that, make sure you match that passion with an audience's needs.
That’s a pretty tough exercise as you need to first find that audience. And then curate your content to their needs.

I have 3 tips to help with your audience:
❒ First mimic the masters. So research creators who write about content close to yours, and analyze what their audience is saying in the comment section. Also, analyze the content itself and its flow. How do they break it down. Lasty, Find out about their audience profile (age, sex, marital status, geographical location etc..)
Tip: look for comments readers comment on. Thats where all the insight is.

❒ Look for what sticks.
This is relatively easier. In that case create the content and see how people react to them. Then when you find the hook you perfect it.
Pros: it’s faster than the first method
Cons: Lack of real visibility

❒ Use Google trends in your area of interest. This will help you match what you want to talk about with what is trending currently. This is a very effective way to be relevant NOW.

3. Structure your content to make it engaging

Before you even start writing your content, think about the journey you want to take your audience on. People’s attention is very low so you must captivate-engage-re-engage.
You want to take your audience on a journey where your story is getting better and better and better.

4. Follow the tv-series strategy
Have you ever wondered how good tv-series do it? How can they make each part of the story connect? If you want to know how you can check my video (Napoleon met Captain America. I explain it all)
But One of their key secrets is creating stories that branch out from the main plot but somehow "miraculously" end up converging back to that main storyline. So if you are going to write about how you climbed mount Everest, you can break it down in say,
❒ How overweight you were and never even thought about it. You just wanted to lose weight to be in shape
❒ How you almost got killed by a bear while practicing in your local mountain
❒ How you had to sleep in a jail cell for 3 days because you didnt have your visa

And so on and so on. When you write your content picture the reader saying “And” after the first paragraph, “and” after the second and so on and so forth.

5. Format your content to match the reader's attention span
Readers tend to have a short attention span and like to take a break. So you must tell your story in mini-stories that help with this shortage of attention. Otherwise, if you don't create these breaks in your content your reader will loose interest.
In essence treat each paragraph as a story where you can attract and engage and get what you want.

6. Make sure your professionalism shows.
If you can't reread your story, don't even bother publishing. People will be as interested in reading as the effort you are willing to put.

7. Practice
The more you write, the easier it will be for you to write. However, you should be critical of your writing and aim to improve with each content you release. Some of the best ways to improve are:
❒ to seek advice from others who could read you
❒ or study what makes good writing (for example I like to study posts from popular newspapers or magazines)

In my next video I will show you everything on how to write effective blog posts that rank. The video will be longer but more detailed. It will follow the 7 key secrets of this video but will go into details. We will cover:
❒ Finding Your Audience
❒ Identify Relevant Keywords (Long-Tail, Medium-Tail, And Short-Tail)
❒ Understand Your Competitors
❒ Create A Well-Structured Piece Of Content Using 2 Case Studies Of popular Magazines (Vogue And New-York Times)
❒ Maximise On Thumbnails/Title/Meta Description with case studies
❒ Use Google Snippet Section Effectively
❒ Map-Out (Link Juice)
❒ Attract People To Your Website
❒ How To Retain People On Your Website

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