The silence of the "Super-Democrats" --- Antifa attacks on AfD party conferences

1 year ago

🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇦🇺
The political struggle in Germany has long since reached a new dimension. The opposition is no longer attacked with arguments, but with violence.

Around 50% of all violent attacks on political parties are now directed exclusively against the AfD. We are clearly on the path to open political persecution.

The recent attacks by left-wing extremist Antifa on the AfD party conferences in the federal states of Hesse and Baden-Württemberg demonstrated this again just a few weeks ago. Over a dozen damaged vehicles as well as 53 injured police officers are the result of left-wing extremist violence.

The roaring silence of the otherwise permanently morality-drunken “super-democrats” from politics, radio and television is significant. Already in 2020, I called on the EU Parliament in a resolution to immediately put Antifa on the EU terror list. Since then, of course, nothing has happened. High time for me to address those “EU-super-democrats” on their mendacity:

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