Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications

1 year ago

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Cloud computing is a disruptive technology. A game-changer. Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications by David E. Y. Sarna is for Information Technology Managers, Systems Managers and enterprise executives who need to plan, implement, deploy and manage cloud computing applications. Managers are rightly concerned about the reliability, availability, scalability, security, privacy and cost of deploying in the cloud. Sarna addresses these issues. Creatio Ex-NihiloWhen thinking about cloud compuitng, we need to recognize that it was not created ex nihilo (out of nothing). Rather, cloud computing evolved and developed creatio ex materia(creation out of pre-existent matter); it evolved from Chaos or at least evolved chaotically. It's rapidly maturing, but still very much an adolescent. Geng Yin - Year of the TigerCloud concepts and virtualization had their genesis in the 1960s and cloud computing was at least seven years old in 2010. However, the stars did not become properly aligned in a way that enabled cloud computing to really take off before 2010, the "Year of the Cloud" (in the Chinese calendar, 2010 is formally Geng Yin, the Year of the Tiger, which is also apt). But aligned they are, and cloud computing is the hottest thing going in the IT community. That's great and all, but can a real enterprise get there? How? There are obstacles to successful deployment. It's not just the cloud that has a past. Enterprises too have legacy applications to deal with (many also dating back scores of years), and also institutionalized legacy thinking that requires re-examination in an era of pervasive Internet, open source computing, and private, public, and hybrid clouds. For cloud computing to succeed in the enterprise, we need to keep in mind the words of Shakespeare in the famous bit of fatherly advice given by Polonius to Laertes shortly before Laertes leaves for France: "This above all: to thine ownself be true." To succeed, you need to know your own organization, its security requirements, criticality, ethos, politics, institutional memory, and willingness to change. Bus to NirvannaBe mindful that the bus headed to cloud computing nirvana did not begin loading up passengers at its last stop. You may have gotten on at one of the first stops (if you are an old geezer like me) or you may have jumped on closer to the terminus. Whatever. Elijah's Fiery ChariotThe fact is that cloud computing did not suddenly just descend from heaven like the prophet Elijah's fiery chariot (1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:1-18).


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