Trojan Horse? China, Iran, Russia To Take Out Ukrainian Stop Money Laundering 4 U.S.A.

1 year ago

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared today that the Western, liberal model of society is dying, and a new world order is taking its place. CBS News Censors Its Own Documentary Exposing How 70% Of US Funding Of Ukraine Is Wasted; This Is Code For, ‘The Money Is Really Kickback Slush Stolen Money, Congress & Senators Votes & Take Money. We always knew this, most of aid is for families & friends, bogus corrupted illicit contracts, it’s how Washington works, this is not real AID, this is pay back over 600s of billion of dollars to U.S.A.

Recently, U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene compared the 600 billions of dollars that the U.S. Congress is rushing to send to Ukraine for humanitarian and military aid to a "money laundering scheme". She accused the U.S. of hypocrisy of its aid to Ukraine, and queried the ultimate direction “Clearly, multipolarity and the emergence of new centers of power in every way requires efforts to maintain global stability and search for a balance of interests and compromises, so diplomacy should play a leading role here,” he visit of a top-ranking Chinese delegation to Moscow and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s trip to Beijing has highlighted an unprecedented level of alignment among Eurasian powers. Since the 1990s Iran, Russia, and China have been cooperative mostly in rhetoric; now there is hope among some that they can create a new order. These include regional conflicts, international terrorism, food security and environmental protection. This is why we believe that only diplomacy can help make agreements and reach sustainable decisions that will be accepted by all.

Yes evidence now to support laundering Ukraine aid money to U.S.A. ? Some of the world's biggest banks processed hundreds of millions of dollars reportedly from a vast Russian money-laundering scheme, data from leaked documents show.
The data show that major U.S. banks including Bank of America (BAC), JP Morgan (JPM), Wells Fargo (WFC) and Citi (C) all processed money from the scheme. Global banks HSBC (HSBC), Deutsche Bank (DB), Standard Chartered (SCBFF) and Barclays (BCS) also appear to have executed transactions.

The internal bank documents were obtained from anonymous sources by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta.

OCCRP has shared data gleaned from the documents with Money and other media companies. A reported on Monday that $2,740 million was processed by British banks as part of the scheme. According to OCCRP, the scheme allowed 600 of billions of dollars to be moved out of Ukrainian-Russia Area and into the accounts of thousands of companies scattered around the globe. Its reported that 1587+ people are suspected of being involved in the scheme, including many wealthy and influential Ukrainian-Russians Family and the Big Guy Family Get Ten Percent. Are they money laundering? Should the IRS - CID investigate and audit ?

False Responses and Cover Up and Money Laundering 4 U.S.A. from the banks listed in the documents provided to New World Order:
HSBC: "HSBC is strongly committed to fighting financial crime. The Bank has systems and processes in place to identify suspicious activity and report it to the appropriate government authorities. This case highlights the need for greater information sharing between the public and private sectors, each of whom holds important information the other does not."

Standard Chartered: "In line with our commitment to preventing fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing, we will investigate any indications of suspicious activity and if appropriate report those findings to law enforcement."

Royal Bank of Scotland: "We are committed to combating financial crime and money laundering in line with our regulations and have controls and safeguards in place to identify, assess, monitor and mitigate these risks."

UBS: "UBS applies a robust money laundering prevention framework across its business operations globally, consistent with locally applicable regulations. On a global basis, we file a significant four-digit number of reports on suspicious activities to anti-money laundering authorities every year."

Citi: "Among our most serious obligations as a bank is to achieve the strongest possible system for anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance to protect the financial system from being used as a tool by criminals and terrorists. We continually take steps to strengthen and enhance our anti-money laundering program in order to anticipate and respond to the changing patterns of criminal and terrorist behavior."

ING: "Obviously we have specific policies and regulations regarding client and transaction screening and monitoring to prevent us from being used by criminals. When applicable, we report to and work with relevant authorities. However, it is ING's policy not to comment publicly on individual clients, transactions or investigations."

Barclays: "Barclays complies with the rules and regulations in all the jurisdictions in which it operates and has systems and controls in place to mitigate the risk of the bank being used to facilitate financial crime. This includes risk based systems and procedures to monitor ongoing customer activity, which we constantly review, and procedures for reporting matters to the relevant law enforcement authorities as appropriate. In addition, through a number of industry initiatives, Barclays partners closely with global law enforcement in the fight against financial crime."

Bank of China: "Bank of China assigns high priority to anti-money laundering and financial crime prevention. It is treated as a key compliance risk and the bank adopts a zero tolerance approach towards money laundering and financial crime.

We have always strictly abided by the local laws and regulations in jurisdictions where we operate and have adopted policies and mechanisms to actively embed anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing throughout our Bank. During our daily operations, we comply with all relevant policies, rules, guidance etc and thoroughly conduct customer on-boarding processes, including customer due diligence and ongoing monitoring, plus key anti-money laundering controls such as regular reviews of customer information and their account activity.

The Bank has in place an anti-money laundering monitoring mechanism to detect suspicious activities and has implemented an anti-money laundering compliance program, including due diligence, which is being continuously optimized. Should any suspicious activity be detected, we will carry out risk mitigation activity, which includes investigation and enhanced monitoring, reporting to anti-money laundering competent authorities and account closure so that risks can be effectively controlled.

The Bank continues to take compliance and anti-money laundering extremely seriously as we have always, and persist in our efforts in improving risk management capability in this area, to ensure that our business and its operations are within the boundaries of laws, regulations and internal policy. We also hope that all parties, including financial services, law enforcement and the media will work together to fight money laundering and financial crime."

The methods used to commit economic crime in Ukraine can be instructive in devising detection and investigative tactics to counter them. One method of committing economic crime is through the widespread practice of tax evasion. Businesses in Ukraine and abroad can evade taxes by keeping profits made in foreign currency in their businesses abroad, by collecting profits in foreign currency and paying workers in Ukrainian currency, and by using profits in foreign currency to pay "foreign expenses" so the money remains outside Ukraine. A second method involves the creation of fictitious companies by criminals to conceal currency assets and profits to fund criminal activity. Another common method used to conceal currency assets is through international trade agreements. The terms of contracts may be changed by mutual consent or by signing supplemental agreements to them. Probably the economic crime most difficult to detect is when Ukrainian businessmen conceal foreign currency with the aid of legal foreign entities. These schemes are largely used to convert funds and avoid taxation. There are many indicators to assist law enforcement in detecting and interdicting the aforementioned economic criminal activities. Some primary indicators are as follows: a contractor's failure to meet a deadline for completion of settlements on foreign economic transactions; a recently formed legal entity that enters into large foreign economic contracts; a large non-commodity contract; a Ukrainian exporter's application for a barter contract specifically to change the terms of the agreement; currency declarations not filed with the State Taxation Administration by business entities; and several contracts that involve the same object or applications for changes in bargaining agreements. Cooperation between Ukrainian law enforcement agencies and their counterparts in other countries, notably countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, is particularly urgent. Ukraine must do its part to be proactive in the country's implementation of international conventions, mutual assistance, and agreements made in the fight against international economic crime.

Russian Special Forces in Ukraine have intercepted a refrigerated tractor-trailer that was hauling refined Adrenochrome from Ukraine to Warsaw, Poland, where the shipment would have been loaded onto planes headed for the United States, a Russian FSB agent, Andrei Zakharov, told N.W.O. News. As reported last month, the FSB claimed that “Deep State” Adrenochrome manufacturers in the United States became so fearful of military retaliation that they set up shop in Eastern European countries, especially Ukraine, sympathetic to the criminal Biden regime. In January, Spetznas rescued 50 imprisoned, emaciated children from an “Adrenochrome farm” near Shostka, Ukraine. Their captors had so frequently drained their brittle bodies of blood and adrenal fluid that their survival depended on being kept in a medically induced coma, fed intravenously. Zakharov said that five of the 50 have perished due to wounds sustained in captivity.

The USA, Russia, China Triangle and the Fall of the Soviet Union. During WW2 the United States and China were allies against Japan. They were later joined by the Soviets, when the German Nazis broke their alliance with the Russian Communists, and they invaded Russia in 1941, in order to get hold of the oil of Baku (Azerbaijan). But the Nazis were defeated at Stalingrad and they never reached Baku. After jointly destroying the Nazis in WW2, the Soviets and the Americans became enemies once more, and the Soviets supported the Chinese Communists, while the Americans supported the Chinese nationalists in the Chinese Civil War. The Communists won the war, and the Chinese nationalists fled the Chinese mainland, and they established a small Chinese state in Taiwan. For a while the United States recognized Taiwan as China. But the Soviets and the Chinese were also competing with each other in Asia after WW2, and the Chinese were very unhappy with the strong Soviet military presence in the oil rich countries of Central Asia, and also in Mongolia, which they perceived as a threat. Very often the Russians and the Chinese would support rival communist parties or groups in third world countries i.e. Angola, Mozambique, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. See Russia VS China, and the Sino-Soviet Split. The Chinese and the Soviets jointly fought the Americans in Vietnam and the Korean Wars, but the Chinese and the Americans jointly fought the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Gradually, the Americans and the Chinese managed to improve their relations. The Soviet threat was what actually brought the two countries closer. From 1979 onwards, the American companies started investing in China, transforming Communist China from a poor agricultural economy to the factory of the world.

The benefit for the Americans was that they were dragging China away from the Soviets and closer to United States. Moreover the American consumers started enjoying very cheap goods, which were made in China, from very cheap Chinese workers. However for these Chinese workers even these low salaries represented a dramatic increase in their standards of living. Extreme poverty was reduced by almost 70% in the period 1981 to 2009. But many manufacturing jobs were transferred from Western Europe and United States to China. See “The Socialist Myth of Economic Bubbles”. While the Americans were trying to drag China closer to them and away from the Soviets, the Russians were not wasting their time either. The KGB was preparing the demolition of the Soviet Union, in order to export the vast Russian oil and natural gas reserves to the big industrial economies of Western Europe i.e. Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain. These energy flows would generate billions of dollars in export revenue for Russia, while at the same time they would increase Russia’s influence in Western Europe. The Russians also expected the Europeans to invest and build their factories in Russia, in order to take advantage of the cheap Russian labour (build your factories in Russia instead of China).

Therefore the world was moving towards a new geopolitical landscape, with China moving away from the Soviet Union and closer to USA, while the European Union was moving away from the United States and closer to Russia. Ronald Reagan tried to prevent the energy connection of Europe and Russia, but the German industry was very hungry for the Russian oil and gas. It is very naïve to assume that the Soviet Union fall because of its economic problems, or because of the poverty of its people. The Soviet Union was run by KGB, and it still is. The Soviet Union had tremendous powers to terrorize the Soviet population. Nobody would dare to openly criticize the Communist Party.

Look at what happens in North Korea, which is a Communist country of 25 million inhabitants, with a GDP of only 40 billion dollars. And yet nobody dares to complain, because the Communist Party will execute them if they dare to do so. The KGB had a lot more power than North Korea in terrorizing its population. Revolutions occur when a foreign country is using the domestic Communist Party to attack this country’s army. Before WW1 the German Empire, the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, supported the Russian Communist Party in order to defeat Russia in WW1. In the Soviet Union the Communist Party was already running the country, and therefore no foreign country could finance the Communist Party to attack the country. And China was a weaker country than the Soviet Union and could not support some Communist Party and defeat the Russian Army.

The Islamists of the Persian Gulf could cause some turmoil in the Muslim Colonies of the Soviet Union in the Caspian Sea and Central Asia i.e. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan etc., because the Communists almost prohibited Islam.

The Pope could also cause some problems in Poland, a religious Catholic country, but Poland was not a member of the Soviet Union anyway.

Therefore it is ridiculous to believe that the KGB could not hold the Soviet Union together, if the Russians were not interested to export their oil and gas to Europe, increasing Russia’s influence over Europe, while generating billions in hard currency from these exports. The Russian friendly “assault” on Europe would follow the American friendly “assault” on China.

Remember that the KGB was controlling 100% of the Soviet economy. To mobilize a crowd you need to be able to provide it with information and propaganda, and of course some financial support, armaments etc. Look at what happens in USA today, where the Russians, the Chinese, the Mexicans, the Islamists etc, they all have their partners in USA, and they are attacking the American government with propaganda.

Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia and Hezbollah are controlling the drug cartels of Latin America and they finance the American gangs of United States. Moreover the Arabs of the Gulf and the Chinese have great influence over the American Academia, Hollywood and journalism. All of them are able to launch assaults on the American governments, both through the media, but also in the streets.

But they can do it because they USA has an open economy and a free society, and these countries can easily buy American academics, journalists and actors, in order to promote their interests in United States. But in the Soviet Union the KGB was controlling 100% of the economy. To criticize the Communist Party one would need a permit from the party, or he would die.

Also remember that the Europeans were constantly worrying about their oil supplies from the Persian Gulf and North Africa, because a potential war would block their imports and freeze their energy hungry economies. Therefore they saw the Russian supplies as a lot more reliable, and also cheaper in terms of transport costs. And of course it was the Soviet Union that supported counties like Egypt, Syria and Iraq, countries that were fighting the NATO allies i.e. Saudi Arabia, Israel etc.

Those who doubt that the KGB broke the Soviet Union, they should take into account that Michael Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union and the man who broke the Soviet Union, was handpicked by Yuri Andropov, the most ruthless KGB leader. Yuri Andropov was also the longest serving, the most educated and the most effective leader of KGB (1967-1982), and after KGB he became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1982, till his death in 1984.

Already from 1980 Yuri Andropov was promoting the “reformer” Michael Gorbachev, and he chose him as his successor when he became leader of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev had to wait a year after Andropov’s death before becoming leader of the Soviet Union. Yuri Andropov was behind the hijackings of the Western airliners. Andropov was also behind the assassination attempt against Pope Jean Paul B. The assassin was a member of the Turkish nationalist organization Grey Wolves, and according to the CIA behind the attack was KGB and Yuri Andropov. The reason was that the Pope was an anticommunist, he was Polish, and he was financing the anti-Communist movement in Poland, when the Polish people were trying to overturn their puppet government which was imposed on them by the Soviets.

Yuri Andropov was also the man who personally oversaw the revival of anti-Semitism in the post-war Europe, after Israel won Egypt in the war of 1967. After the Holocaust anti-Semitism was very weak in Europe. Under Andropov’s leadership, the KGB translated and distributed thousands of copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to the Muslim world, in order to mobilize the Soviet allies against Israel, which was the most reliable American ally since the early 1960s. It was this man who spread anti-Semitism in Europe, in order to discredit the United States in the eyes of the European people, by presenting the United States as a part of a Jewish conspiracy. Today Russia and Israel are allies against Turkey and Qatar, and the Centre of European anti-Semitism has moved to the Russian rivals i.e. France, Sweden, Poland etc.

So it was this man, Yuri Andropov, who picked the reformer Michael Gorbachev as his successor. Wouldn’t it be naïve to believe that the KGB was not preparing the break up of the Soviet Union since 1980? By breaking the Soviet Union the Russians left the rich in oil Central Asia to China. Central Asia was a thorn in the Russo-Chinese relations during the 20th Century.

By breaking the Soviet Union the Russians also left Azerbaijan to Turkey and Iran, since Caucasus was a thorn in the Russo-Turkish and Russo-Iranian relations during the previous centuries. Note that the Russians had discovered the rich oil and gas reserves of Western Siberia, and they were no longer dependent on Baku, as it was the case during the World Wars of the 20th Centuries. The Russians also relaxed their grip on Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, and allowed them to operate like cushions between Russia and Western Europe. And obviously the Russians were not happy at all when these countries were absorbed by NATO in 1999 (Poland, Hungary, Check Republic), and in 2004 (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia).

According to the Russians the Americans had promised them that NATO would not absorb these countries. The Americans do not accept the Russian claims. The Russians were even more dissatisfied when they saw that NATO was using Georgia and Ukraine, two Soviet members, to hurt vital Russian interests. And the same was true for Syria.

If we want to be fair we must say that Russia is a mafia state run by KGB, but we must also admit that the West was very disrespectful towards Russia after the demise of the Soviet Union. When you know that the KGB broke the Soviet Union to export the Russian oil and gas, and you threaten these exports by using ex Russian allies or satellite's i.e. Syria, Ukraine, Georgia, then you are looking for trouble. Today we see once more the reversing of the above geopolitical landscape. Now the United States is afraid of China, and the Europeans are afraid of Russia. By promoting the natural gas of the Muslim Brotherhood (Qatar-Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan) to Europe, as the French, the Polish, the Swedish and others wanted, the Americans were pushing Russia towards China’s arms. And if the United States had to fight Russia and China, it would make sense for Germany to join this alliance, and that’s how that would look for the United States. It is a bit ugly. Of course the United States would have France, UK, India, Japan. But it still looks ugly in the Pacific Ocean. Now is proposing to Russia to take Syria, to China to take Iran, and to both of them to leave Iraq for the United States. That’s good for the Russians, because Syria and Israel will block the natural gas of Middle East from exiting to the Mediterranean Sea. And Russia would not be very happy to have a Chinese Empire at its south. China already has Pakistan and Iran, and Iran has Syria, and if Iran takes Iraq, as China would wish it did, China would exit to the Mediterranean Sea through satellites. And obviously the French, the British, the Poles, the Swedish etc, are not feeling very comfortable with the United States having friendly relations with Russia, because it is Russia and not China they are afraid of.

The French elections of April and May 2017 will be very important, because we have to see how France will respond to this new geopolitical landscape, and whether France will decide to break the European Union and go for one to one relations with USA, Russia and China.

France can stop bothering Russia in Syria, focusing on the uranium, oil and natural gas of North Africa (Niger, Chad, Algeria), without threatening of course the Russian exports to Europe. And at the same time France can demand from China and Iran to stop bothering her in North Africa, where they are fighting France for the uranium of Niger and Chad. In return France could import Iranian oil and not support the Americans against China.

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