The Atwill-Industrial Simplex - part 2

1 year ago

I take a trip into my personal past with a nostalgia visit to Powers and Principalities, the years-long and highly dubious podcast project union between Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill, to see how time and experience might have changed the construction of their world view and narrative. But unfortunately...

Atwill Cheatsheet:
1) It's the Freemasons, stupid, and always has been, always will be.
2) Today's incredibly obvious reality - especially related to the proxywar - is the massive role of Jews. So incorporate instead of deny (like James Corbett, for example), but never alter the basic narrative, which is Freemasonry all the time, and the Jewish players become simply a subset of that.
3) Everything is fake, which gets rid of the problem of explaining anything inconvenient.
4) Facts are simply things you make up, there is no need for any tangible, verifiable evidence. This is because you start with the conclusion, and then create facts to support it.

It's clownworld, plain and simple...

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