Making "Shift" Happen with Reality Shifter Takia Hansley - 03.21.23

1 year ago

Truly Your VA with Janis welcomed to today’s podcast, Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Takia Hansley. Takia is a Reality Shifter and Master Life Coach who helps female service providers clear their limiting beliefs and mental gremlins to create quantum shifts in their life and business, 10X-ing their results quickly, by not DOING more, but by BEING more.

Quite often for instance, when an entrepreneur is trying to niche down, there is an overwhelming feeling and pressure to DO all the things that are needed to obtain that goal. Those goals take time and patience to implement and as a result, that someone tends to come up with excuses or looks for the limiting beliefs which substantiate those excuses.

Takia uses her experience as a life coach to help entrepreneurs get crystal clear on their vision and move past mental blocks that hold them back from achieving success despite the outcome of their previous efforts.

For example, if we say we have “no time”, what tasks or things are we doing that are taking away from our time of being productive? Track your time! As Takia stated, the key to progression is awareness. (Whether you use an app to track your time or pen to paper, it’s important to be totally honest with how you are spending your time!)

Although Takia’s focus is on mindset and personal growth, her experience as an entrepreneur and business coach allows her to highlight adjustments in strategy. To make a quantum shift, you have to use that frequency to make the shift happen!

As Takia stated: Be Do Have!!

To connect with Takia further, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

Takia’s “frequency” is spot on - she is a “Reality Shifter” and works with women entrepreneurs in the beginning phase of their business as well as entrepreneurs who want to attain the next level of their business! “Truly”, I’ll have what she’s having!! Thank you Takia - can’t wait to have you back on the podcast!

TrulyYourVA with Janis is the business Podcast to engage, inspire, connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs. Do you have an online business, podcast or expertise that you would like to share and be featured as a guest on my podcast? I welcome you to check out my website, and “register as a guest”:

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