Martyanov Captain Russ Navy Intel: Why China Needs Russ – Shkval, Kalibr Weapons is just the Beginning

1 year ago

My friend and new colleague, Andrei Martyanov, is always worth reading, but his piece today regarding Russia and the Chinese Navy is must read and see. The United States is quite worried that China is going to provide Russia with weapons, but that misses the point. When it comes to advanced weaponry, Russia is the leader, not China. China’s Xi Jinping is not in Moscow with a catalogue of weapons he is ready to sell to Putin. Just the opposite — Russia has weapons that China needs it if is going to deter U.S. military action against Beijing.
The United States and Europe mistakenly believe that any bilateral relationship between China and Russia is lopsided in favor of China and that Russia has little to offer its behemoth of a neighbor to the south. The truth of the matter, as Andrei points out, is that China needs Russia as much, if not more, than Russia needs China. While Russia’s population is tiny compared to China, its technological sophistication, particularly on the military side of the equation, and its ample supplies of oil and gas makes it a large and vital country for the Chinese.
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