Embodied Ecstatic Dance. I am free to be me!

2 years ago

#consciousawakening #spirituality #sarshahope

Dance has always been ecstatic for me (you've read that somewhere before if you have read my blurbs on these videos! hahaha!). I gained the ability to entrain with music many years ago. Although I am not sure when that was, I know that when a school friend, Patrick Dick, taught me about how to feel rhythm, and how Sam Tatau on the Canaan Downs (Takaka Hill) taught me how to draw energy up from the planet into the chakras on my feet, I had been in the presence of two amazing teachers.

I spent countless hours moving my body to music across continents, in bars, clubs, house parties, forests, beaches, in amphitheatres, even in the ocean in Northern Queensland, Western Australia and Thailand. The joy of movement, in the form of dance is what beholds me to my body, and is singularly the most important form of expression I have being in this vehicle called a 'body'.

I had heard about 'Open Floor' and 'Embodied Ecstatic Dance' for many years, and I believed that this was exactly what I had been bringing to all my experiences of movement to music without the facilitation of another man/woman to assist my deepening enrichment of sound and movement. Then, I did an Embodied Ecstatic Dance with facilitator extraordinaire, Sarsha Hope.

It was life changing. There are corners of the soul where music illuminates, but some are left cloaked in darkness in my experience. Sarsha, through the use of her intuitive mystical spells she cast during the dance, called out my inner child to play. She created a safe space for expression for me with her choice of words, like a poultice that shone a light into these darkest recesses of my being. in order to allow the music to trigger my body into expressing my deepest bonds to trauma... and I LET GO.

I've had three Embodied Ecstatic Dances with Sarsha and each has been unique and truly powerful in awakening me to deeper freedom to be myself, to know myself and heal. Meeting her has been one of the highlights of the last few years, years spent inwardly traversing my deepest and most darkest beliefs that have limited me from TRULY aligning with who I am, and want to be.

I can hardly wait to do another of her Embodied Ecstatic Dances...

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