Case Study 184 Follow-up - Six Years Post-Concussion Symptoms Resolved in One Visit

1 year ago

Do my patient treatments last? Johan Shuster was kind enough to provide a follow-up report on his condition of persistent headaches and back pain from a bad car accident. Please see article below.

Non-Invasive Breakthrough Technology to Reverse Post-Concussion Syndrome

If you are one of the reported 1.7 to 3 million concussion victims and you have chronic post-concussion symptoms, there is good news. An international lecturer, author, researcher and clinician, Dr. Gerald H. Smith has successfully treated numerous post-concussion patients over his 52 plus years of clinical practice with a non-invasive technique that is unknown to ninety-nine percent of the healthcare profession. Most of Dr. Smith’s patients present with chronic headaches, facial, neck and low back pain that have eluted traditional medical doctors, osteopathic practitioners, chiropractors and physical therapists.

In 1983, a chiropractor from Ireland shared an incredible technique with Dr. Smith that enabled him to reverse many unsuccessful post-concussion cases in just one or two visits. The missing link is a subtle motion of the base of the skull which becomes reversed with trauma, whiplash, traumatic adjustments to the neck, forceful extraction of teeth, extensive dental reconstruction procedures which change a patient’s bite, and orthodontic treatment especially Invisalign® therapy. There are many traumatic events other than a football injury that can trigger off a post-concussion syndrome.

By means of a gentle palpatory examination, Dr. Smith can quickly and accurately diagnose if you have a reversed motion issue. Correction is also noninvasive and gentle. By evaluating and realigning any cranial bone distortions, Dr. Smith can reset the skull’s motion back to factory default. This gentle release allows the dural membrane system both within the skull and down the spinal column to relax. A relaxed membrane system not only alleviates the tensions on the nervous system but allows the cerebral spinal fluid to flow more easily. The end result is that most chronic migraine headaches, facial, cervical and low back pains disappear almost instantaneously never to return. The following video testimonial is just one example among many that is representative of the results that Dr. Smith achieves with his patients. For more information and additional case studies click the link:

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