Be Your Own Greatest Cheerleader - 2 of Diamonds #QuantumNumerologyForBusiness

1 year ago

Be your own greatest cheerleader. 

Be the one who is willing to give you all the affection, recognition, and love you need. 

Fill your cup up so full you don’t NEED it from others. 

Ground into the remembrance of your soul, with the wisdom that you are always deeply connected and you belong. 

When you see and understand your own value, you need not effort. 

Your business will reflect value to you when you are willing to love what you’re doing without apology. 

Love your work so much that no one could ever tell you to stop. 

Fuel your business endeavours with the flames of your passion. 

Today you are invited to radiate your value, vision, and dream into the world with unbridled ferocity. 

Today you are invited to know the truth of your worth and not need anyone to love it for you. 

Today you are invited to awaken to who is guiding your actions, your thoughts, and your dreams. 

Are you choosing your dream, and loving it so hard that no one else’s approval is needed?

Do you know the deep underlying why for your actions and decisions?

Are you showing up in each moment with the fuel of that why burning for your dream?

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