Does the ghost of a burn victim haunt this unassuming Alexandria ice cream parlor?

1 year ago

Also known as the Schaefer House, the building currently occupied by the cafe Dolci Gelati in Alexandria, Virginia has a very tragic history. On the evening of June 27, 1868, Laura Schafer was preparing for bed on the third floor of her family's home. She was carrying an oil lamp with her when she went to retrieve a handkerchief from a bureau in her father's room across the hall. The lamp broke and hot oil spilled on Laura's clothing, causing her dress and hair to catch fire. In a moment of panic, Laura ran for the stairs, but stumbled and fell, sustaining serious burns on her body. Despite the efforts of a physician and her family to save her, Laura died the following morning on the day that she was to marry her fiancé, Charles Tennesson, who was by her side as she passed away. In some versions of the story, Laura was wearing her wedding dress when she caught fire. Charles was devastated and shot himself out of grief. Since then, occupants of the Schaefer House report hearing horrible screams, sobbing, and pounding near the stairs. Enough to unnerve the most hardened visitor. #virginia #alexandriava #creepy

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