Shahram Hadian on Catching Fire News: Projecting! Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand?

1 year ago

In Episode 12 of Islam in America, Shahram Hadian and Ron Branstner and discuss the hate rhetoric recently expressed on the Minnesota State Capitol floor.

Historic language by a Democrat State Representative, (Muslim) Omar Fateh, projected terror language while invoking dissension on his fellow colleagues across the aisle.

This skill set of projecting their own crimes and name calling their opponent is masterfully and artfully creative, even their victims (Republicans) fall victim to the Stockholm Syndrome of obeying and stifling speech.

Islam defines itself as submission, relinquishing one’s liberties for the good of their god. His views mirror a political structure which Islam subscribes too. A 1400-year-old playbook of war and political maneuvering.

Is this free speech? You be the judge.

This is the 12th video in the series.

An attempt to be recognized as religious or cultural, many Muslims will switch the narrative to protect their ultimate agenda of world dominance.
Muslims have created a duality of victimhood to advance to the Upper House. Meanwhile the useful idiots fall in line and create special accommodation to those who wish to create new laws of separate but equal.
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